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You've Cleaned, Now For Storage!

Last week we talked about some cleaning tips and tricks to utilize in your home and we hope they are working for you! If you missed last week's article, give it a read here! This week, we are going to discuss how to create more storage for the stuff that you do still have and need in your home that you do not want to part with. With the help of The Spruce and their article how to do so, we feel confident that we can get your home all clean and in order in no time!

When it comes storage, The Spruce says you want to accomplish the following:

  • Create more space
  • To streamline your organization by putting similar items together
  • Easier to find things
It's recommended by professionals to use clear plastic containers. They say this because you can see inside the container so it is easier to find what you're looking for and saves you time. However, I find that from a style point of view, plastic containers look exceptionally well in a pantry setting or a cupboard settings. Putting things such as food in them like cereal. Clear glass containers are especially beautiful for this, though a little riskier should you drop it. When it comes to putting away cutlery and dishes such as pots, pans, plates, cups, etc. stacking them with like items and allowing some space between each is a normal, easy, and stylish option. You could even purchase and install a pot rack to save cupboard and drawer space for your pots and pans. For over spaces such as living rooms, bedrooms, etc. decorative baskets and boxes can go a long way both for storage and style. These can come with a sort of lid or could be left open and work for style and storage regardless.
With both of these options, labels are going to be your best friend to find things easily! You can simply use a sticker label, or for a more stylish touch, use a mini chalkboard with a rope tie to the storage unit and write what is inside. Should you find a better way to label that you'd rather use, go with that! Either way, you'll be stylish and organized in no time! 

Professional organizer, Lisa Zaslow, says that you should utilize your prime real estate when it comes to items you use or go for most! What does this mean? Prime real estate is simply the space between your knees and shoulders. It makes sense to store things in this space as it is the easiest for us to reach to. My suggestion would be closer to your chest if possible, but working with levels adds for a more beautiful look. Look vertically to increase storage and space! Put lighter objects higher up and heavier objects closer to the ground. Put clothing in your prime real estate and shoes close to the ground.

With any storage and home improvement, make sure that you are measuring your space so things fit nicely and look like they belong. Or, if you aren't wanting to utilize these storage space ideas, you can always purchase a storage unit where you will have access to your things when and should you need or want them.

We hope these tips and tricks were helpful and cannot wait to see what you come up with! 



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