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Still Spring, Let's Clean! A Guide To Spring Cleaning And Yard Suggestions For The Summer!

      Photo by: Hamilton Building Services

While the weather may be all over the place lately, that doesn't mean your home has to be! Lynn Andriani of, wrote this helpful article on Oprah's website about Spring cleaning and how to get it done in just eight hours! We thought what a great way to get prepped for Summer! We suggest tackling this as soon as possible and should you find yourself with no plans on a rainy day, why not take this on?! With these helpful tips, you'll be ready to move onto yardwork and get your Summer plans started! Plus, who doesn't love a clean home?! With that being said, let's go on to what Lynn Andriani says for each room!

We begin with the bathroom at 9:00AM and block out an hour for this one. The key things to do here are:

  • Vacuum and wipe the walls and ceilings
  • Toss any throw rugs into the washing machine
  • Wash mirrors and the insides of windows
  • Spray and soak
  • Rinse the floor
Next we move onto bedrooms from 10:00AM until 12:30PM. The key things to do here are:
  • Vacuum and wipe the walls and ceilings, and dust all surfaces
  • Let it breathe
  • Head to the washing machine
  • Clean window treatments
  • Wash mirrors and insides of the windows
  • Shampoo or steam-clean wall-to-wall carpets and area rugs
From 12:30PM until 2:00PM, we work on the kitchen. The key things to do here are:
  • Clean the refrigerator and freezer
  • Degrease cooking appliances 
  • Clean window treatments and wash the insides of windows
  • Wash surfaces and cabinets
  • Sweep, vacuum, and mop floors
Lastly, from 2:00PM until 5:00PM, we clean the living room, family room, and dining room. The key things to do here are:
  • Dust ceiling fans
  • Vacuum and wipe walls and ceilings
  • Care for your couch
  • Wash your lightbulbs
  • Clean window treatments and wash the insides of windows
  • Clean and dust electronics 
  • Sweep out your fireplace, storing unused logs
  • Clean the carpets
  • Order pizza for dinner

Now obviously with all of these rooms and their tasks, there is more in-depth to each factor and each room. Everyone has a different home set-up, as well as different items in their home so tasks may vary. As a general rule of thumb, get rid of anything you haven't used in a year, don't like anymore, don't find yourself using anytime soon, is broken, or is just garbage as everyone could use a good de-clutter. Another suggestion would be to re-arrange your room set-up if you want that new and fresh feel! Re-arranging a room can be exciting and you may find yourself falling in love with the choices you make. 

After these are done, you can begin to work on your yard! Maybe you are feeling unhappy or uninspired with your yard and want to change things up! There are actually a lot of good DIY's you can find online through sites such as Youtube and The Home Depot and many more. A few suggestions for sprucing up your yard include but are not limited to: a deck, a water feature, a flower bed, a vegetable garden, a play area for your kids or pets, an entertainment area, a dining/bar area, string lights, a fence enclosure, trees, and more. With enough research, you won't even need to break the bank! 

When you are happy with your space, you become a little happier yourself. If you're not happy with your space, and are looking to build a new space, give us a call at (607) 299-4838 or check out our website here! We'd love to assist in helping your dream home become a reality! Everything is custom with us! Are you ready to make some changes?! 


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