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How To: Lower Your Heat Bill

December through February usually tend to get a bit nippy, especially if you're in the northeastern part of the country. If you find yourself pinching pennies because of your heating bill, try out this helpful hint.

Check how you're doing - most providers will supply their customers with some kind of comparison chart in their monthly bill. Often, if you pay your heating bill via online there is an option to view your heat use compared to the national average and compared to your surrounding neighbors. This should give you a decent gauge of where you stand with your energy consumption. Many providers even break it down for you what times of day you use more energy, or how it's being used. For instance, maybe your report tells you that you spend a lot of your bill on heating hot water. If this is the case, find ways to reduce this cost such as setting a timer on your shower time or doing a little less laundry and a little more bundling up.

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