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Clean Homes Are The Future!

On page six of Builder magazine's December issue, an article is featured that highlights the up-and-coming movement of "cleanly" built homes. Why is this phenomenon occurring, and what does it even really mean? It means that moms around the country are becoming more aware of the lurking health risks that are lying in many Americans' homes - health risks like radon, mold and poor air quality that leads to asthma or allergies. TV stations like HGTV and This Old House are educating people like never before on how you can build your home to avoid developing health issues, and the housing market is following suit. So, what types of precautionary adjustments are builders taking note of? Check out the list below. 

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Improving air flow through a home

Reducing toxins in the air 

Whole-house water treatments

Moisture control

Flashing and airsealing 

Carbon monoxide and radon detectors 


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