If you've ever been in a home with board and batten wainscoting, you probably noticed how nice it looks and how much it adds to a space while remaining simple. Some houses already have this featured installed, whereas others may have been put in by previous owners. Either way, they look great at a low cost. If you have an area in your home that doesn't have much going on, consider how board and batten wainscoting would look in your home. Often, people will add this feature to the entryway of their home or a bland hallway.
Image via www.younghouselove.com |
1. Clean your walls thoroughly with a mild cleaner, and remove any marks the best that you can so that they are not visible after new paint is applied. Mr. Clean magic erasers do a nice job removing marks. Dry your walls thoroughly after, as well.
2. Install the trim boards. If you buy the boards pre-cut, great. If not, you'll need to break out a ruler and map out just how you plan to arrange your boards. There are several designs online that you could follow. Also, it's recommended that you have your plans or "blueprints" drawn up in advance. The best place to start is always the baseboards so you can work your way up. This also helps keep things level. Use a nail gun if you have one to fasten the boards, and if not, use a hammer and nails. Be sure to use finishing nails for appearance.
3. Decide how far apart you want your vertical boards, mark your wall up where they will go, and install the vertical boards just as you did with the baseboard. Depending on your particular design, you'll continue to add on all of your boards.
4. Once all of your hardware is up, it will be time to paint. Be sure to use painter's tape to ensure straight, clean lines. Also, you'll likely want to do a few coats to get the best paint job.
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