The more money you can save for your down payment on your house, the better. However, it can be hard to meet your goal when the normal, day-to-day expenses weight you down. Here are a few helpful tips that you can start implementing to save for your down payment faster.
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- Make coffee at home instead of buying it out every morning. This can save anywhere from $8 - $25 per week!
- Instead of going to the movie theater, choose a flick on Netflix. If you really want to save some cash, cancel your cable bill and make a total switch to Netflix. Hulu, Amazon Prime, and others also offer alternatives to your pricey cable bill.
- Plan out your grocery bill, and stick to it. If you go to the grocery store with a list in hand, you will know how much you are spending and will not waste money on things that you don't really need.
- Clip coupons and shop out of the flyer. Most grocery stores have a weekly or bi-weekly flyer. If you plan your meals around the deals, you're sure to save a couple bucks.
- Have a yard sale. There's no point in holding onto items you haven't used in the past year. Get rid of them, and get some cash out of them.
- Avoid instant gratification. If you need to make a purchase, fine. But, before buying anything, take a few seconds and think "do I need this now? Can it wait?" Or, is it an impulsive buy? If you're buying a high-priced item, a good rule to follow is the 30 day rule. After you've shopped around and can make a firm, educated decision, you will feel better about your purchase.
- Invite your friends over instead of going out.
- Drink more water. If you are really tight on money, soda, alcoholic beverages, teas, juices, ect., are all a luxury, not a necessity.
- Cook at home instead of going out. Going out to eat can be expensive between drinks, a tip, and the food alone.
- Cancel your unused memberships.
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