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Monitor Your Eco Footprint

Today is a great day. Not only is it the end of another work week, but it is also a day to celebrate the earth! Earth Day is a gentle reminder to leave an eco-friendly footprint so that our planet can continue to thrive.

Recently, the building industry has shifted towards more green and eco friendly approaches to building with an interest in preserving materials and improving air and water quality, as well as conserving energy. WalletHub, a personal finance site, ranked each of the 50 states according to 17 key factors. Here are a few of our favorite takeaways from this study! (To read the full outcome, follow this link)

  1. Vermont is the most green state, followed by Washington, Massachusetts, Oregon and Minnesota.
  2. Maine has the highest percentage of recycled municipal waste.
  3. New York and Rhode Island have the lowest energy consumption per capita, as opposed to North Dakota and Wyoming which have the highest.
  4. New Mexico has the highest number of LEED certified buildings, followed by Hawaii.

How will you spend Earth Day 2016? We try to reflect on how we can make a change for the environment and being eco-friendly, to help preserve our beautiful planet! If you missed our Earth Day themed post on how to add some green cleaning practices to your home, read it here. From all of us at Hamilton, thank you for helping take care of our planet and Happy Earth Day!!



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