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Keep Calm and Breathe Clean Air

Indoor air. Did you know that the air you breathe indoors is not as clean as it could be? After a season of blasting heaters and closed windows, our indoor air is stale and not very fresh. This increases your chance of catching a germ or bug, as well making your allergies worse! Follow a few simple steps, and your home will help you breathe easier in no time.

Open it Up!

Opening up your windows and sliding doors allows great air circulation through your home! It's important to do this no matter the season, to let the fresh air in and let the old air out. (However, if you live near a highway or other polluted area this may not be the best recommendation. Those fumes are best to keep out!) By maintaining a regular schedule of clean air flow, your home will be happy and healthy! (Source)

Consider a candle

But not the kind you think! By utilizing either a beeswax candle or salt crystal lamp, the air in your home is cleaned by the releasing of negative ions. Once released, these negative ions bind with other toxins (such as pet dander) to remove them from the air. An added perk, they both help combat allergies! (Source)


A Snake Plant

While the name certainly sounds intimidating, the plant itself is quite pleasant! The snake plant is best at filtering out formaldehyde. This can be found in cleaning products, bath or facial tissue as well as personal care products. Add this plant to your bathroom and it will thrive; it prefers low light and humid conditions! This plant also has benefits in a bedroom. At night, the snake plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen which is the opposite of the typical plant pattern, giving you an oxygen boost in your sleep! (Source)

By making a few simple switches at a time, your home will have improved and welcoming air quality in no time! Are there methods you find useful when maintaining the air quality of your home? Share them with us!



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