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Green Home Cleaning

Creating a greener and more eco-friendly home is always on our minds. Maintaining a healthy home is important to us; it directly impacts our personal health as well as the health of our families! That's why we try to stay up to date on methods of keeping our homes healthy and clean. Did you know sometimes all it takes is a simple switch for your home to become more green?

Finding tips on how to have a greener home can be hard to find - the internet is a huge place! We gathered a few of our favorite tips, as well as explanations as to why the simple changes you can make in your home are green, and beneficial to you!

Simple Switch #1

Swap your incandescent bulbs for an energy saving light bulb. Not only will swapping out an incandescent light bulb for a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) prevents the emission of over 400 pounds of greenhouse gases, but you will also save 66% more energy in your home! Not sure which light bulb is the best choice for you? The Environmental Defense Fund ( has an online light bulb guide to help you select the best light bulb for your home.

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Simple Switch #2

Clean with distilled white vinegar! Vinegar naturally kills and dispels mold, germs and bacteria. Vinegar can even be used to disinfect your mattress, which fights dust mites, mildew and more! Mix together vinegar, a small amount of rubbing alcohol and tea tree oil in a spray bottle. By lightly spritzing your mattress you fight the dust. For a deeper clean, follow up with a light dusting of baking soda. Allow to dry and vacuum.

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Simple Switch #3

Go Green! Literally. Adding green, leafy plants to your home increases your air quality. A Spider Plant, or Chlorophytum comosum, is hard to kill but easy to maintain! It battles benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene [a solvent used in the leater, rubber and printing industry]. This plant is easy to regrow, so be sure to fill your rooms with these happy plants! Bonus: It's pet safe!



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