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Things are looking up!

When it comes to different types of ceilings, there is a lot to choose from. If you're like most people, you think of the standard drop ceiling that we're used to seeing in many homes is the only option. That kind of thinking couldn't be further from the truth! If you're considering switching things up with your new home, check out this post to brainstorm some ideas for a new ceiling.

A vaulted ceiling makes a room feel bigger without actually being bigger. The walls are at a slope, meeting at one point at the very top, center point of the ceiling.

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Exposed Beams
Exposed beam ceilings are just what they say they are - exposed beam. Seeing the beams of the house in plain sight can create a rustic feel or simply add symmetry to the room's ambiance. Either way, they are aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

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Coffered ceilings can differ in design, but they remain to be the crafty, artsy choice among homeowners. Certain homes are made for coffered ceilings, and others do not compliment the design as well. Coffered can be done tastefully, and it can add a lot of detail to a home.

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