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How To: Remove Allergens

Allergies can be a terrible battle to fight, and it's always the worst when you have to continuously fight them right in your own home. If you have seasonal or year-round allergies, consider taking heed of some of these hacks that will wipe those suckers out! 

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#1 Change Air Filters
If you want your air filters to do their job, you must also do yours. Swap out your old filters on your heating and cooling systems with new, clean air filters. This step alone can make a big impact if you don't do this often enough.

#2 Deal With Drapes
If you're a fan of long, flowy drapes, great. But, keep in mind that they tend to pack on dust and pollen, so either wash them regularly or switch to blinds that can be sprayed and wiped down.

#3 Kill Dust Mites
Dust mites are disgusting and unfortunately, no matter how clean you are, they absolutely exist. Everyone has them; however, if you make it a habit to kill them off and rid them regularly, your allergies will not be as bad. There are two easy ways to kill dust mites: 1. wash and dry materials and reach 130 degrees Fahrenheit, or 2. Freeze your items for 24 hours. Both techniques are effective.

#4 Cut Out Clutter
The more stuff you have in your home, the more areas there are for allergens to hide in your house. Try to de-clutter by storing some of your trinkets and only putting out what you can manage to regularly clean and wipe down.

#5 Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum
When it comes to allergies, it's all about the vacuum. First off, make sure you're cleaning your vacuum regularly and throwing away old bags. Second, make sure you're vacuuming enough, and make sure you're vacuuming thoroughly. If you think it's appropriate, you may even want to consider investing in or renting a carpet cleaner that can actually scrub your carpet with hot water and steam.



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