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Having a pool to cool off and relax in is a luxury that is especially nice during these hot summer months. But, like most luxuries in life, time, energy, and money must be put into owning a pool. One of the costs associated with having a pool is the money it takes to heat a pool. If you are interested in swimming in your pool after the sun goes down or during cooler months, heating your pool is a viable option to consider. Check out some information about how solar hot water collectors can heat your pool.

How does it work?

Pool water gets pumped through a filter into a solar hot water collector. Solar hot water collectors are thin and generally mounted on a roof. Thin pipes of water then run through the collector. When the sun's rays hit the collector, they heat the running water inside.

Image via US Department of Energy

Solar pool heaters use the heat from the sun directly, whereas solar panels convert the sun's energy into electricity. As a result, if you live in a hot climate, the solar collectors can be used to cool down water when necessary by running the system at night.



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