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Pest Control Plants to Plant

Warm weather is headed our way, and so are the creepy-crawly insects that come with the season. We did a little research to find out which plants to plant to ward off unwelcome visitors. Check out the list below!


Marigolds are a flower with deep fall colors, mostly containing oranges, reds and maroons. This beautiful flower will keep away pests like tomato worms, white flies, nematodes and beetles with its velvety petals.

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Lavendar is a perfect for those who love a nice floral aroma. Not only is lavendar ideal for inside your home, its perfect for keeping away fleas, moths and mosquitoes.

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Chrysanthemums usually come in shades of red, pink, yellow and oranges, and they are a great plant to invest in as they're human and pet friendly. They'll help keep out root nematodes and Japanese beetles, which can both be tricky to rid!

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