We hope there isn't too much bitter cold weather ahead of us, but just in case, read up on these safety tips to stay safe when the temperature drops below freezing.
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1. Keep your gas tank full - If you take this precaution your gas line won't freeze, and in case of an emergency, you won't have to stop for gas. Just imagine driving in a blizzard and running out of gas!
2. Prepare a survival kit - This might sound extreme, but having enough supplies for at least 3 days isn't really all that drastic. After all, if the power goes out, you don't want to be worrying about finding a flashlight or a gallon of water. Keep basic essentials in your home and car at all times.
3. Leave the heat on even when you're gone - You don't have to crank the heat when you're away, but don't just turn it off, either. 55 degrees should be the lowest you set your thermastat so that pipes don't freeze and neither will your pets!
4. Remember medications - This is an easy one to forget, but a hard one to live without. If you know there's a winter storm brewing, call the pharmacy a little early and express your concerns to have your medications ahead of time in case of an emergency.
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