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Benefits of a Two Story Home

Similar to a one story home, a two story has pros and cons; however, many of these positive and negative elements are very dependent on your own personal preferences. Age, family dynamic, income, location, and more need to be taken into account when making this kind of decision.To get your mind thinking in that direction, consider some of the benefits to owning a two story house versus a single story house.

#1 Price - Some of the most expensive elements of a home (foundation, rafters) can be averaged over a larger square footage on a smaller footprint, so the price per square foot on a two story home often goes down, making it a cheaper option in many cases.

#2 Fuel efficiency - Generally energy costs drop with a two story house. This is because less outdoor walls and roof areas are exposed to weather. Also, heat rises, so if you put bedrooms upstairs, you won't need to crank the heat as high in the winter.

#3 Plumbing - Two story homes are obviously built more vertically, so the distance your plumbing needs to travel is much shorter, cutting costs. The same idea here follows the roof. Less roof are, less to pay for now and later down the road when it needs to be replaced.

#4 Aesthetics - For resale, and for you, a two story can be a good idea. Not only does a two story often provide a nice view, others who are looking to buy (especially those with a large family) may only be interested in a two story home.

#5 Room for growth - One great part about two story homes is they convert fairly easy. Building a deck or an addition usually goes smoother because you have more room to run and areas to build off of.



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