If you have some high end, expensive pieces of wood furniture, this post is for you . When extravagant wood is care for properly, it is even more beautiful and can last for generations. Follow these tips to ensure your gorgeous, and likely pricey wood finishes remain in pristine condition. Image via www.thefurnitureconnoisseur.com Be Environmentally Conscious When it comes to the environment your furniture is in, you want to remain consistent. Keep furniture out of heavy sunlight so the furniture does not fade. Also, the temperature should remain consistent to avoid the wood from warping, so steer clear of radiators or air conditioning blowing directly onto furniture. Watch How You Dress Your Furniture You want to be sure you're aware of what is going on your furniture. Some woods are more sensitive than others, but a good rule of thumb to follow is if you think it could scratch it, it will. Even fabrics should be rotated and switched out from time to time. Most...