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Pinterest's Holiday Home Decor

The holidays are quickly approaching!If you
haven't gotten around to decorating . . . no worries! Take a 
peek at some of the simple, affordable and trendy 
holidaydecor inspirations we've found on Pinterest, below. 

Epsom Salts Luminaries 

Epsom salts luminaries are a simple and cost effective way to decorate your home for the holidays. Also, for later use, you could always remove the berries and holly and add on other accessories for another holiday. Don't forget to place a tea candle in the bottom to watch it glow!

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Frosted Pine Cones

These festive pine cones are a simple one, two, three! Lightly dip the pine cones in some white paint, allow to dry, tie a string of them together, and hang them where you wish.

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Snowman Door

This cute holiday decor idea will cost you a buck or two, tops. All you need to do is cut out some circles and triangles on construction paper, apply with some sticky tack as to not damage your door, and you're ready to entertain!

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