Saving money can be a challenge; for some, more than others. We researched several different strategies to save money, and we think we've come up with a pretty full-proof way to save $1,378 in 1 52 weeks, or one year. The idea of the 52 Week Savings Challenge is to gradually save more each week. Under this strategy, you would save $1 the first week, $2 the second, $3 for week three, and so on. If this works for you, great. The issue with this method is that most people who are tight on money have a hard time saving money towards the end of the year, so during the colder months when money is tight, you're supposed to be saving larger amounts of money.
As an alternative, make one big chart or list that is numbered 1 - 52. Each week, save the max amount that you can afford, and check off that amount. For example, week one you might save $40, and the next week when you have more expenses only save $4. The idea is to condition you to learn to save money each week. If you stick to this plan, you'll have an extra $1,378 lying around!
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