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Showing posts from September, 2016

Building a Shed 101

A shed can be a nice addition to your home, and it can be quite functional if you take the time to plan it out. Take a gander at some sheds we thought were pretty great to get some inspiration for your backyard project! Also, consider these helpful hints: Match your new shed to your existing home. Nothing looks worse than two totally different structures on one lot. You may not be able to have exactly the same siding or roofing on your shed, but try to make the structures cohesive and similar. Size is an important factor when you want to build a shed. If the structure is too big, it will only make your yard appear smaller. If it's too small you will not be able to store your things, and isn't that the whole point? Ask yourself what will actually go inside your shed, and how the crime rate is in your community. If you are storing expensive items in your shed such as a weedwacker, a lawn mower, or tools, you may want to ensure the shed is secured with a lock or some kind of ...

Happy First Day of Fall!

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4 Ways To Add Privacy To Your Home

It can be hard to maintain privacy when your neighbors are just a few feet away next door. Luckily for you, there are several opportunities to increase the amount of privacy that you have. Different types of barriers like fencing and shrubbery can work wonders to separate you into your own world! Consider four ways that you can get more privacy in your own backyard! Image via 1. Fencing - Fencing is great because there's a lot of options, and you can choose the height and width you need more easily. Also, if you're looking to save money, this is a good DIY option. Skim through Pinterest and look at what some other people have done with their fences. Image via 2. Landscaping - There are lots of options you have to add in some privacy landscaping. Incorporating stones or a mixed garden is common. Putting in a strategically placed shed or covered patio area can also be a good alternative for landscaping. ...

52 Week Money Challenge

Saving money can be a challenge; for some, more than others. We researched several different strategies to save money, and we think we've come up with a pretty full-proof way to save $1,378 in 1 52 weeks, or one year. The idea of the 52 Week Savings Challenge is to gradually save more each week. Under this strategy, you would save $1 the first week, $2 the second, $3 for week three, and so on. If this works for you, great. The issue with this method  is that most people who are tight on money have a hard time saving money towards the end of the year, so during the colder months when money is tight, you're supposed to be saving larger amounts of money.  As an alternative, make one big chart or list that is numbered 1 - 52. Each week, save the max amount that you can afford, and check off that amount. For example, week one you might save $40, and the next week when you have more expenses only save $4. The idea is to condition you to learn to save money each week. If ...

Visit Us at the Rochester Fall Home Show!

Visit Hamilton's booth at this year's annual Fall Home Show located in Rochester, NY. The event will be held from Saturday, September 10th to Sunday, September 11th from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and admission is completely FREE! This home show gives you the opportunity to see brand new homes that are completely finished as well as new subdivisions. Additionally, you'll have the chance to see the newest trends in the industry, and you can sit and chat with builders one-on-one. Image via

Happy Hamilton Anniversary, Cortney!