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3D Dreamin'

Watching your custom project take shape is an exciting time! Months (or years!) of dreaming, saving, planning and finally purchasing your land and selecting your materials is an amazing feeling; but sometimes, it can be difficult to see past the selections, and into what your home will look like once it's completed.

We are always looking for new ways to capture the images of our custom ideas. Browsing the app store on an IOS supported device, we stumbled across this amazing user friendly (and free!) app that allows the user to bring a construction site to life! Imagine being able to picture what your completed project will look like, all at the touch of your fingertips! 

A custom Hamilton home under construction
Our 3D visual representation of the Hamilton construction site!

By uploading a picture, or selecting one of the photos in the stock gallery, we are able to get a good feeling of what it would be like inside a home that is still under construction! Change the paint colors, add decor and style your own furniture. We found it easy to get lost designing and time escaping us, so be sure to select a comfy chair and grab a cozy blanket before you get to creating! We put together a few 3D designs that we just had to share!

Want to try it out? Find it here, and be sure to add us to stay connected!

What if these Hamilton windows. .  .
. . . were doors instead? Get creative pre-construction (and post!) with  your 3D dreams!

***We are in no way affiliated with Homestyler; just found great enjoyment and success in the app and wanted to share it with you as a way to capture your dream home ideas!


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